Do you want to start a profitable blog this year or run one? Every day millions of blogs get launched but not all of them end up being successful.
Ever read those income reports and wondered how these bloggers do it? I love reading income reports, most are so inspiring. It’s so inspiring when you read about a blogger making anywhere from $1000 to $20,000, all from blogging. That crazy amount right?
Over time I have come to notice one thing in common with all these bloggers making big bucks they started their blogs on a solid foundation. The right way. You might be wondering what is the right way then.
Why do most blogs fail?
The main reason why most blogs fail is lack of knowledge or tips on how to start a profitable blog the right way from the word go. There are so many bloggers who started their blog as hobbies and within a short time turned them into a full-time job.
Today I want to share my story and show you how you can start a successful blog the right way and turn it into a full-time job. I love blogging. It provides me with a creative outlet where you get to interact with other people and help others in the process.
My blogging journey began with one income report that I found on Pinterest by Suzi from Her blog and her blogging journey inspired me so much. She is a stay home mom with 3 kids and apart from that she runs a very successful blog. She started blogging a couple of years ago and in over an year her blog went from $0 to $20,000 per month. Unbelievable right?
I had read a few people that mentioned they had taken her course Blog by number and they were able to set up their blog successfully and some were already making money a few months down the line. I became curious.
Just from her blog posts which are so detailed, i knew all these can’t be a mere talk. I decided to take a leap of faith and give the course a trial. Little did I know that the course would be the kickstart to me running a profitable blog.
Having taken the course I can confidently say it is every penny. It’s an investment you won’t regret. I remember taking the course I was a bit skeptical mainly because it was the first course I had ever taken online .
Believe it within a few months of taking the course and implementing all tips from the course I made enough money to refund the cost of the course and my web hosting. Keep in mind I paid for my hosting for 3 years. I was so lucky to have purchased the course when I was just starting, it saved me so much time of research and instead I used that time creating content.
Thinking you need to start a profitable blog soon then you need to check out Blog by number course. There is no better way than to learn from the best. Suzi shares everything she has learned throughout her blogging journey. The wins and the mistakes too. What a better way than to learn from a pro.
For an online course to have over 5800 people enrolled it just shows how good it is.
Who is Blog by number course for?
It’s not only for beginner bloggers as she has so many tips that would help any bloggers.She recently updated the course and added advanced SEO strategies, advanced Pinterest tips, Affiliate marketing tips and much more. So you see even if you just set up your blog, you will still benefit from the course.
Blog by number course contains an e-book, worksheets, 500 stock images and 30+ step by step video tutorials which are easy and quick to follow. She explains everything in details. You can rest assured she knows the ins and out of the blogging world.
Why should you consider enrolling in this course?
- You will be fully equipped on how to start a profitable blog that looks professional all without having to pay for an expensive theme. She will take you through various steps such as picking a name, deciding on your niche, purchasing hosting and your domain.
- Pinterest! Pinterest! This was and still is one of my best topics in the blog by number course. Before I started my blog I had done some research and I knew Pinterest is the best way to drive traffic to any blog. I had no clue how to go about it.
From the course I was able to set up a Pinterest business profile, join group boards, learnt how to make appealing and click-worthy graphics (this are everything in Pinterest, you want people to repin your work. The more repins you get the more your work get seen by many people).
You also get a list of 480 updated groups boards in any niche for you to join. As if that is not enough you also get 20 free stock images which help you get started with creating those beautiful pins.
- You will also learn how to make money blogging. She shares 83 different ways on how you can make money blogging.
- Huge list of Facebook groups. If you ask me Pinterest and Facebook are the best ways to drive traffic to your blog. So you don’t want to miss this.
Blog by number course, in short, is a roadmap to blogging. Suzi holds your hand from the beginning.
From finding a profitable niche, launching your blog, Writing your first blog post, crafting a catchy blog post titles that get clicks, different ways to get traffic to your blog, making money through blogging, growing your email list and much more.
I like to think of her as the blog whisper. She removes any roadblock you may have blogging. No need to hire an expensive graphic designer and you don’t have to be techy savvy. Take advantage of step by step guide which is full of templates making the work even easier.
I understand we are all busy. You may not have the whole day to blog and that’s ok. All you need is 1-2 hours per day. I think you can be able to spare 2hrs. Blogging is a journey, no need to pressure yourself so much to do everything at ones.
As bonus you get one free month of Convertkit. Which I can also attest is the best email provider for bloggers. I use and love Convertkit. By using convertkit she was able to grow her list to 14000 subscribers.
Does this woman has super powers or what?!
If you have done a bit of research you must know that most bloggers making an income online most of it is through their email list. Suzi is no exception 60% of her income is through her list.
All i can say is Blog by number course helped me to start a profitable blog from day one. I have zero regret forinvesting in the course.
Suzi has other ebooks & courses covering topics such as how to create an ebook and launch it successfully, how to grow your email list. Check out her other ebooks and courses here
If you are ready to start your blog right away check out my step by step tutorial guide on how to start a blog. If you have any question on the guide feel free to reach out,am here to help you.
Are you ready to start your blogging journey? Just imagine how far your blog will grow in an year.
How To Start A Blog FREE Email Course

8-day FREE ecourse on how to start a profitable blog. I will show you the exact steps I took to start this blog and make it super successful. I now make more than $1000 per month, you too can do it.
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I may have to try this course. There are so many out there, it’s so hard to choose sometimes. Thank you for being so detailed with your review.
You did amazingly at explaining everything and I like Suzi too! I haven’t taken her courses but I am glad to know of someone who recommends it.
She is amazing and her courses are worth every penny
Hi There
Great Post About To Make Blog Profitable. All Words or Ideas Great So Thanks For Sharing It…
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