11 Productivity Tips To Simplify and Make 2019 The Most Successful Year.

Wondering how to be more productive this year?

How to avoid procrastinating?

It happens to the best of us. Am personally working through these productivity tips to avoid procrastination and accomplish more in 2019.

This is the perfect time to start afresh. Think of all the things you wanted to achieve in 2018 and didn’t, 2019 is the year for that. Who doesn’t want to be more productive? Something that most of us want to be. Everyone wants to get more done in less time.

Seen those people who seem to have it all together and they are always things done on time? Don’t you wish they would share their productivity secrets?


Well, today you will learn how they do it. It’s all about intentional productivity, which involves planning and execution.

To be more productive and disciplined in your day to day activities whether it’s at your work or at home it doesn’t mean you have to make massive changes it’s just a matter of making small tweaks here and there.

It also doesn’t mean you need to work harder, wake up at 5.30am sleep at 2.00am it’s all about being smart.

Here are 11 productivity tips that will help you make the most of day and make this year a success.

1. Keep off social media.

Social media is one of the biggest time waste(r). Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be addictive.

Once you start scrolling down the newsfeed it’s hard to stop. The more you scroll down the more you get drawn in.

If this is you, you can set out a specific time you want to be on those social media platforms you are obsessed with, you can switch off your phone or completely delete the app from your phone or your computer.

This will help you to be more focused on your work with very fewer interruptions from the constant notifications.

I recently noticed that in a day i spend more than 4 hours on  Instagram doing pretty nothing really i have tried to cut out that time to only 1 hr and a half  and limited it to  evening only .If am able to hack that then i can even reduce that time to an hour.


2. Have a to-do list.

I know this may sound overrated. You must have read it like a million times. As cliché as it sounds, it’s one of the most important productivity tips that will help you start your day feeling more organized.

Having a to-do list will help you to think more clearly and you won’t forget things so easily.

Your day will be more structured which means you don’t waste time deciding on what to do next. You will be able to decide what your priorities are.

Your to-do list needs to be short. A long list can be discouraging. Decide what is more important  then trim your list to three to five tasks.


3. Have a morning routine

The way you start your morning and spend the first hour after waking up sets the mood or the tone for the rest of your day.

Are you always rushing out of the door so as to get to work on time?

Do you snooze your alarm and wake up at the last minute?

Taking 15 minutes to an hour for yourself without any sort of distractions will boost your energy, leave you refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead of you.

Studies show it takes about 6 weeks to stick to a routine but if you include things that you love doing and which are good for your well- being then it becomes easier.

If you stick to a morning routine you will notice that you become more disciplined, more organized and you will be able to start the day with the right mindset.

Another reason why you should think hard about adding a morning routine to your productivity tips is that you won’t end up wasting so much time  trying to make small decisions which are of no or very little importance to your life.

This doesn’t mean waking up at 4.00 am it simply means setting aside extra time every morning. This could be 15 minutes,20 minutes whatever works for you.

There are a few ways that you can spend your morning which will guarantee you a more productive day.

  • Exercising


  • Drink a few glasses of lemon water


  • Meditation


  • Reading

4. Get enough sleep

This is one of the productivity tips that most people pass on. From experience having not slept enough will make you feel sluggish or in other words, you will be like a zombie.

Your concentration level will be almost to zero. Let’s leave netflix for the weekend guys!

For you to reach the peak of your performance you need to take care of yourself, sleep is a big part of it. Ignore clichés as ‘sleep is overrated’ or ‘I will sleep when am dead.’

If you know that you are a victim of using your phone while in bed, then keep your phone away from you may be in another room.Waking up from a good night sleep will have you feeling so energized and you will super charged for the day.

11 productivity tips

5. Turn off notifications

This can be a major distracter, especially in the morning. We are so accustomed to having our phones with us 24/7 and every time we hear that beep alert we just can’t help ourselves from checking. With every beep, our concentration is lost.

When the concentration is low so is your productivity levels. The quality of work you produce will be poor and most likely full of errors.

Pushing off your notifications whether it’s for your emails, social media platforms or texts is one of the easiest and simplest productivity tips that can do and see so much improvement.

The truth is, not all emails and text messages require your immediate attention.

6. Have a positive mindset

Positive mindset is the key to success. Our thoughts hold all the power.

Do you want to accomplish more in a day?

To be more productive?

The answer is simple: change your mindset.

You might not be having the best of best days but quit complaining and sulking about it. Complaining won’t change anything.


7. Time blocking

This is one of the most effective productivity tips to making sure you have accomplished your tasks and in good timing.

Time blocking is setting time aside for the tasks in your to do list.

Having a very long list  can be daunting and overwhelming. Time blocking will help you to manage and use your time wisely.

For example, if you have a blog post, report or any other task that is set out for Thursday morning then block your Wednesday afternoon.

Keep off from any sort of distraction such as your phone. You can switch off your phone to remain focused.

 productivity tips

8. Practice self-love and self-care


Once in a while, you need to take care of yourself.

If it’s all work and more work you will burn out fast.

Any work produced will be of low quality. Take some time off  to rest and recuperate.

Trying to work from sunrise to sunset is impossible, you need to take breaks in between.


9. Have a notebook and a pen with you always

This sounds a little bit old-fashioned but it’s still so relevant. You just don’t know when you will get that idea.

10.Productivity tips : Clear out clutter

Seems so obvious but some people ignore it. Clutter is distracting. In some cases, physical clutter can turn into mental clutter. It’s way easy to be more productive if your workplace is neat and tidy.

Delete the unnecessary folders and files from your laptop or your desktop. You can also go a step further by spicing things up, get fancier accessories for your workspaces.

Things like pens, cute notes, the tiny adorable cacti, pictures of loved ones can do wonders with brightening up your mood.

Whatever makes you happy have it there.

11. Do less multitasking

Contrary to the belief multitasking is a major productivity killer.


Your mind is all over the place trying to switch back and forth and you end up accomplishing less.

Unless maybe you are working out or doing house chores than you can listen to audiobooks and podcasts.


I hope these productivity tips  will help you get much work done every day.

How do you remain productive the whole day? Share your tips in the comment section.

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