Money Saving Tips: 15 Smart Ways To Save Money On Utilities

Everyone wants to save money. Especially now we are at the beginning of the year, so many people are on the internet looking for numerous ways to save money on utilities.

Sometimes we get outrageous amounts on our utility bills which can be extremely hard because you don’t have $400 or even $500 lying around. Even a $200 bill can be hard especially if you have other expenses like a mortgage, a school, or even a car loan that you are trying to pay off. I love saving money, and am always happy when I come across any easy and realistic money-saving tips.

What are some of the things you can do to save money on utilities without feeling like you are depriving yourself of so much?

Sharing with you  15 easy ways to save money on utilities. These are simple tweaks you can do in the house that will make a big change in your monthly bill.


1. Install a programmable thermostat

As the temperature changes, adjust your thermostat accordingly. During summer adjust it a couple of degrees lower and on winter days higher. Studies have shown that you can save up to 10% of your utility bill by adjusting your thermostat.

2. Use blinds to save money on utilities

Simply open your blinds in the winter to allow natural light in the house and the sunlight to heat your house. This means you won’t need to switch on the lights during the day. Close them in summer to prevent the extra heat from the sunlight from getting into the house.

3. Cook in bulk

It’s super convenient to cook in bulk because it saves you time and the amount of energy used.

4. Wash in bulk

Here the same logic with the dishwasher applies. Make sure you are doing a full load of laundry, you will consume less energy compared to doing small batches. By doing this you will save money on your electricity and water.

5. Change your air filter and clean the vent

This is one of the best ways to save money on utilities. Cleaning your appliances will make them last longer. By cleaning the vents, you will be getting rid of all the dust and junk that gets stuck in your appliances. The dirt makes the appliances use more energy. If you ignore changing your air filters, the unit can break which means you even get to spend more money to repair it.

save money on utilities


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6. Unplug your appliances

A while back I was shocked to learn that electronics left plugged in even though they are not been used still consume energy. For example when you leave your laptop or phone charging when it’s already full. Also when you leave the chargers on the power sockets after charging your devices. Unplugging the appliances when they aren’t been used will help you save money on utilities.


7. Use energy-saving bulbs

You need to switch to LED bulbs if you haven’t already. They are more efficient than the normal traditional bulbs because they use less energy and last longer. Led bulbs are a bit expensive but super economical in the long run.


8. Wash your clothes in cold water

This is not only good for your clothes but also you get to save energy. Washing with hot water will make your clothes shrink and some will even lose their original brightness. Cold water uses less energy which means your electricity bill will be low. Except for the few times, you need to use warm water to remove stains cold water is fine for your colds.

9. Save money on utilities by reducing shower time

Sometimes it’s the small things that make a big difference. Taking shorter showers will drastically reduce your water and electricity bill.


10. Fix leaky faucets

Leaky faucets bug me. I can’t handle the water dripping. If you have any of those leaky faucets fix it yourself or call a plumber. You can also collect the dripping water using a bucket and use it on something.


11. Turn off the lights

I was a victim of leaving lights on until I became more intentional in saving money on my electric bill. This is a big one guys. Turning off lights means your electricity bill lowers. Make it a habit to switch off the lights every time you leave a room.


12. Use your dishwasher effectively

Load up your dishwasher when using it. It’s more economical when it is full compared to using it when it’s half full. You can even turn off the heat and let the dishes air dry. A dishwasher will save more water compared to washing your dishes manually. For the large pots, pans, and dishes hand wash them. Simply because they occupy so much space in the dishwasher. You will end up saving electricity and water too


13. Use a smart power strip

This device is genius. Remember I said you can save money on utilities by unplugging the appliances and electronics you are not using, now a smart power strip will do the magic for you. Let’s be honest, no one has the time and the energy for all that. A smart power strip will automatically power off the devices and appliances that are not in use.


14. Insulate your home

Insulating your home will help you reduce the amount of heat or the cool air that leaks outside. This will ensure that the cold air stays out and the heat stays in the room. Sometimes we are not even aware of the air leaks in our home.

You can use a draft blocker by the door. This is a super affordable way to reduce the amount of airflow from the doors. You can also use weather strips or caulk to reduce the amount of heat or cool air leaking outside. A good way to keep off the draft and they are easy to install too.

Socket sealers are perfect for insulating the open space around the sockets. You will be shocked to know that outside air can get in through power sockets. Why not invest in socket sealers and save money on utilities?


15. Use Energy Star appliances

This might be a bit expensive especially if you are going to buy all the upfront but it will save money on utilities in the long run. You don’t need to rush out to buy all new ones but once any appliance break replaces it with an energy-saving one.

Think of replacing appliances like your old refrigerator and water heaters you will notice that your energy bill will be significantly reduced.

save money on utilities

Final thoughts

Simple and realistic ways to save money on utilities. Identify the things in your house that use lots of energy and water then find a way to change that. Those are just a few ways that you can reduce your utility bills, if you have more ideas please share them in the comments below.

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